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Feb. 18 2021
Leaving potential money on the table is something no farmer wants to do. Most often, we hear this fear in terms of risk management — it’s easy to put off locking in milk prices, or even feed...
Feb. 18 2021
If volatility has been the defining characteristic of the dairy industry during the last few decades, 2020 was one for the record books
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Feb. 18 2021
This week's episode will cover farm finances, including credit worthiness during COVID-19
Feb. 15 2021
Farmers can best troubleshoot fresh cow issues by tracking health data as well as evaluating pen dynamics. What’s more, automated health monitoring systems have proven to be useful in making earlier...
Feb. 15 2021
A week or two ago, I was brought into a discussion between two respected plant pathologists regarding mycotoxin levels in different regions of the U.S. from the 2020 crop year
Feb. 15 2021
A tanker load of milk that comes up positive for antibiotic residue is a nightmare that every dairy farm takes steps to prevent
Feb. 15 2021
Expectations for feed markets have changed rapidly. Since the August World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report projected corn ending stocks for the 2020-2021 crop year at 2.76 billion...
Feb. 15 2021
If you were standing next to someone who was having a heart attack, what would you do?
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Feb. 15 2021
Anxiety and depression linked to farm stress can help explain why agriculture has one of the highest suicide rates. Learn what to look for, how to address mental health struggles in yourself and others,...
Feb. 11 2021
A lot of volatility has been occurring in the commodity markets during the last couple of months
Feb. 11 2021
“Three questions can come from this view of the ag cycle,” said Kevin Bernhardt, extension farm management specialist and University of Wisconsin-Platteville professor
Feb. 11 2021
Dairy technology has exploded in the last few decades, and for that we have both innovation and necessity to thank
Feb. 10 2021
Farmers added 93,000 milk cows to the herd between June and December. This is the fastest six-month expansion in more than 22 years
Feb. 8 2021
We always have shoe booties (shoe covers) for visitors at the entrance door of our barn for biosecurity reasons. We made a wooden box that is 2 feet long, 1-foot wide, and 1-foot deep
Feb. 8 2021
One thing my husband, Duane, and I have noticed over the years is the significant impact of a state university. We especially see it when there is a group of farmers gathered
Feb. 8 2021
Canada and Japan largely stand alone with supply control systems governing, and at times protecting, their respective dairy industries. Realizing supply controls hinder both internal and external comp
Feb. 8 2021
When President Biden tapped former U.S. Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry as the United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, the newly elected President issued a clear signal that mi
Feb. 8 2021
Dairy News as reported in the Washington Dairygrams for the February 2021 issue of Hoard's Dairyman
Feb. 8 2021
Dairy product sales, both at home and abroad, have changed more in the past 12 months than in any previous five- or 10-year time frame
Feb. 8 2021
U.S. immigration reform is already gaining attention from the White House and Congress